> I am calling the SubVI called "Addition.Vi" from the Main VI two
> times. In first case i haven't checked the property Reentrant and i am
> executing the main program. So only one instance will be created and
> the SubVi's will be executed sequentially. In second case i checked
> the property Reentrant in SubVI. So multiple instance will be created
> and the subVI's will execute simultaneously. Here my question is is
> there any difference in memory usage for both the cases?

Rolf accurately summed up what is duplicated and what isn't.  But the 
bigger issue is when to use reentrancy.

As usual, the first issue to deal with is correctness.  Memory versus 
performance tradeoffs are one thing, but making your program produce 
incorrect results is a bigger issue.

One way to characterize a VI is -- functional or nonfunctional. 
Functional VIs are of the form y= f(x).  For the same x, they will 
always produce the same y.  Nonfunctional VIs such as a running average 
or a DSP filter do not do this, the history of previous calls will 
affect the result of a given call.  Nonfunctional VIs can be represented 
as y= f(x,state), and can be implemented functionally so that state is a 
parameter, either the state info or a reference to the state.  Or they 
can be implemented so that the block on the diagram "holds" the state.

With a functional VI, you can change reentrancy without affecting 
anything but the memory/versus parallelism tradeoff.  If you change 
reentrancy on a nonfunctional VI, you just made a big change to the 
behavior.  Take a LV2 style global for example.  Nonreentrant, and every 
reader sees the last writer.  Make it reentrant, and nobody talks to 
anybody else, all readers get the initial value, and the writers send 
the data to their own copy.  This VI works as intended only when 

Now lets look at a running average.  If reentrant, each call drops off 
new points for a channel and returns the running average for that 
channel.  Drop a second and it works independently on a separate channel 
of data.  Make the running average nonreentrant, and you are now 
combining the channels into one and returning the average of that data 
stream, which will probably produce very odd results.  This VI works as 
intended only when reentrant.

So the point is, before worrying about perfomance and parallelism, make 
sure your VI is functional first.  If it is nonfunctional, the 
reentrancy only makes sense one way, and the compiler can't tell which 
makes sense, only the designer of the VI.

Greg Mckaskle

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