
Seems to me that Rolf articulated the difficulties quite succinctly. It is generally far easier to build an "all-LabVIEW" solution than to implement some complex inter-application communication scheme.

Based on your posting, it sounds like you are simply wishing to play back a video using a stand-alone video player app. Is there something particularly specific about the intended video player, or are you talking about playing a standard Windows Media (or perhaps QT file)? If the video is in an exotic format, perhaps it can be converted to a standard format...?

Barring any unusual requirements, you may actually get to your results faster by embedding a video window in a LabVIEW panel (ActiveX, Chris S QT VIs, etc.). Then, your end-users could enter data into a LabVIEW panel while watching the video playback in the same application...

Much easier than trapping key presses at the OS level and directing them the the appropriate application -- or was there some particular reason why you have ruled out an 100%-LabVIEW solution?


Dave Ritter

"Marco Tedaldi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We've got a Video-Application (not in LabView) which should show a video
on the same screen as the labwiew-application runs. The Problem ist,
that de Application stops playing the Video as soon as it looses the
Focus :-( But the Operator needs to write some Data in the Labview-App
while watching the Video.

With the "Initialize" and the "Acquire Input" I can
get the Keyboard-Events even if the my app is in the bakcground, but the
main-application still gets the events too, which could possibly disturb
it :-(

There you have a dilemma. The active window is also the one which has the
keyboard focus and the whole concept of Windows is based on this. You might
be able to trick a little with this with floating windows if they would be
all in the same process but as separate process you can't make a window in
one process active and give another window in another process the key focus.
To do that you would have to deeply intervene in the Windows kernel itself.

So I'm seeking for a way to capture the events completely whitout
another application recieving them. As Bonus it would be great, to
"forward" the unused Keys to the main-app.
This should work on Windows. Portability is no issue at the Moment, so I
could also use System DLLs or DirectX.

Well, one way you could do this is writing a system wide keyboard hook in
a DLL but this is going to be very tricky. The reason your video stops
playing is probably because the video playback is driven by the windows
message queue itself instead of in a seperate thread which can keep running
eventhough the application is not active anymore. Using system wide keyboard
hooks which pass the key first to LabVIEW to then pass it back to the
application if LabVIEW didn't eat, it could slow down your video app very
If my assumption of the reason the video stops playing is correct, another
way could be however to just sent the main window of your video app regularly
dummy events from within the LabVIEW app. Sending WM_NULL messages might be
already enough to keep the video playback going and then your app wouldn't
need to be active to keep playing. It would have the additional benefit of
not misbehaving if the user happened to click into the LabVIEW app window
and make it active instead.

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BV    tel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H                  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijk
Netherlands             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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