> I have an interface (main vi) wich call another interface (pop
> up).this interface call another interface. How can I do in order to
> close the interface which is calling without stopping my application

There is a mechanism built into subVIs and subVI calls to open when 
called and close when finished.  This still works fine for many tasks 
and is quick and easy.  To use this, you can use the File>>VI Properties 
on your subVI, go to Window Appearance, Customize, and it is in the left 
column near the bottom.

You can also set this on a subVI call by right clicking, choosing SubVI 
node setup and set the same Open when called and Close on exit settings.

The difference between them is that the first will affect every usage of 
the VI, whereas the second can be set to pop open sometimes and other 
times not.

Of course there is another way, introduced when the VI server was added. 
  There is a VI property for the VI class, Front Panel Window Open. 
Setting it to True and FALSE will open and close.  There is also now a 
method for opening and closing with a few additional options.

The VI Server allows for more control and flexebility, but the first two 
options are still perfectly valid for simple things.  If using them, 
closing your subVI is as simple as exiting your outer loop of your 
subVI.  This returns and closes the window all at once giving control 
and and data parameters back to the caller.  If using the VI Server, you 
can either close the window just before returning or leave it to the 
caller.  Just be sure they are in agreement.

Greg McKaskle

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