At 09:38 AM 25/05/2004 -0700, you wrote:
These controllers use VISA (ie have VISA installed on them; you can see this from MAX) so you can set the settings for the com port using the visa method. I wasn't aware that you could use the normal serial port VI's for coms on these controllers anyway; it would be interesting if you did get these to work. To get the VISA name, check the manual or I think the knowledgebase has an article for the com port names. Actually, come to think of it if you look in the ni-rt.ini file it might list the names there too. Note you do not need to install VISA on the controller when embedding your application.
cheers, Alex.
Good morning everyone..
Are the Fieldpoint FP-2000's serial port setings able to be changed? I tried seaching through the archives and the user manual with no luck. I have also tried to use an embedded "initialize serial port" vi with the desired settings but it doesn't take. I have been sucessful at 38400 baud with no parity, but I want to use 9600 baud with odd parity.
Figured someone would have done this before.
Thanks, Eric
Alex Le Dain Software Engineer
Poseidon Scientific Instruments 1/95 Queen Victoria Street Fremantle WA 6160 AUSTRALIA
Ph: (+61 8) 9430 6639 Fx: (+61 8) 9335 4650 Web: