
More than likely you will need to put an equation in your application.
Here is a simple example of how the application would flow:

1.  Take a current measurement from the Omega using the FP-AI-110.
2.  Use an equation to convert the current to units that are
3.  Use another equation to determine what voltage needs to be sent
out to the MKS.
4.  Use the FP-AO-210 to produce a voltage.
5.  The MKS receives the voltage and does some action.

You do not need to use Matlab scripts. More than likely, you can do
all of your equation coding in LabVIEW by using the Math pallette or
you can use a formula node and program your formula like C code.

You may want to take a looks at some example programs that ship with
LabVIEW for assistance.  Go to Help >> Find Examples and take a look.

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