
you asked on June 1st, 2004:
The last two times I have logged into LabVIEW 7 I have gotten an error
and a file was created called lvlog with date and time appended to it. Does anyone know what this file is? I didn't see anything on the NI website or archives.
This is some kind of an NI-support tool AFAIK.
LV keeps a log where it stores some -possibly important- status information in case of a crash/abort etc. This is appended to the lvlog file. At its next startup LabVIEW usually detects the existance (or a changing since last start) of this file. It than asks you to provide this info to NI (investigate that error).
I had this situation several times in the last months. While providing this error report you are guided to search for the specified error code in NIs public support ressources (and so possibly help yourself). Usually the error code was not yet mentioned, at least in my cases. But this little effort does not really hurd and may help me or my 'successors' min the future.

My special situation (as I am from Germany with a german mail adress) is a little worse than the public, because any support requests from Germany are forwarded back to NIG in Munich. And this takes extra time and will often again require some 'callbacks' from the german support personal to Austin.
NI is not willing to change this or offer the standard support path on special request. I have asked 'em several times, personally as well as via mail.

Greetings from Germany!
Uwe Frenz

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Uwe Frenz Entwicklung getemed Medizin- und Informationtechnik AG Oderstr. 59 D-14513 Teltow

Tel.  +49 3328 39 42 0
Fax   +49 3328 39 42 99

  • lvlog Duane, John
    • Uwe Frenz

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