This is a great idea. The '1%' that you left out has to be cost. Lets
face it...
PXI is expensive. Your approach has the ability to be a much more cost
solution, Although depending on who is doing the custom HW design, this
could be 
the trade off... 
Its not my intent to start a new discussion branch here, but while COTS
does has its advantages, I think the trend has been to cast aside custom
based solely on cost, too often lately. I for one prefer the custom
Maybe its just more challenging, and what engineer doesn't like a

My .02 cents

Rick Mahoney
Equipment Test Design
Lockheed Martin Corp
Syracuse NY

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David A. Moore
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 8:49 AM
To: Info LabVIEW Mailing List
Subject: Re: PXI or SCXI impedance analyzer?

This probably won't help you, but for one project I've worked on we
replaced a big HP impedance analyzer by a function generator, a high
speed digitizer, and some custom circuitry. It lets us send a chirp
and get impedance as a function of frequency in about 1% of the time and
for 1% of the weight.
--David Moore

At 02:01 AM 2004-06-02 -0400, you wrote:
>Subject: PXI or SCXI impedance analyzer?
>From: "Seifert, George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 12:27:21 -0500
>I need to measure the impedance (low frequency, low power) of up to 16 
>leads. So I need an impedance analyzer and a multiplexer. Currently we 
>have a GPIB controlled multiplexer and impedance analyzer, but would
>a more compact system. Is there anyway to do this using PXI or SCXI so 
>that we can have a smaller package? I can't seem to find an impedance 
>analyzer for either chassis - just resistance measurement.

-- David A. Moore ----------------------------- Moore Good Ideas, Inc.
-- (801) 773-3067 --------------------------------- NI Alliance Member
-- 1996 Allison Way --------------------------- www.MooreGoodIdeas.com
-- Syracuse, Utah 84075 ------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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