The connectivity toolbox has a special treatment for the date/time
column data type. It has a vi, which encapsulate a formated date&time
with something like #date/time#<here date and time>.

Anyways, I chanked the format of the string passed to the
and it is a correct one, like I want YYYY-MM-dd. The problem is that
this date apears in database depending on the local setting (in
international options in windows).
That is very annoying, since every user has different local setting
and it causes a mess, since I can read a date/time column from
database only as a string, without prior knowledge, where is year,
month and day. That couses a lot of troubles.

I can try to tell the db connectivity toolbox, that the column, which
I am writing to is the string type not a date/time, but I am not sure
if I do not get an error. I shall try that.


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