Title: Asyncrhonous Serial VISA

Is anyone having success at running asynchronous VISA calls for serial port reads and writes?

I made a simple test VI to read one byte from COM1, and write a continuous stream of bytes out of the same port in a parallel while loop.

The write loop stalls until the read command times out.  I even tried moving the read to a subvi and changing its execution system, but to no avail.

If I read and write from different ports it the read and write are independent, even if the VISA nodes are set to run synchronously.

Im just not getting the whole asynchronous concept, I guess.  I have yet to create a VI which behaves different with sync or async VISA calls.

Im using LV 7.1, VISA 3.1 and Windows XP.

Jason Dunham

SF Industrial Software, Inc.

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