
In this case you really are using LabVIEW as your Operator Interface
to a TestStand sequence.  This means that your user is interacting
with LabVIEW to execute your test program.  Since TestStand is what
executes the sequence, you really do need to use code similar to what
is in the example LabVIEW Operator Interfaces.  There are two examples
that ship with TestStand (not LabVIEW), the simple OI and the
Full-featured.  Since I don't know what features you'd like other than
a button to execute a test, its hard to say which one would be best
for you to look at.  The Full-featured OI has most of the
functionality already written for you.  The simple OI has less
features, which also means that it is much easier to understand since
there is less code.

Now, if you have all the general operator interface programming down,
and you are only trying to figure out how to make a button execute a
certain test there are 2 ways that we can have that happen.  Those two
ways are to either use the TestStand API or to use the process model.

First, using the TestStand API, there are methods which tell TestStand
what actions to perform.  So, if you want TestStand to execute a
sequence based upon when you click on a particular button, whenever
that button is clicked, you would call the TestStand API to execute a
particular sequence.  There is a method that would do this
(Engine.NewExecution).  You can call these TestStand API methods and
properties from LabVIEW using the Invoke Node and Property Node.

The second way to accomplish this would be to create different
execution entry points in your process model.  An execution entry
point is found in the process model and contains a certain sequence of
events that take place before and after your client sequence executes.
For example, Test UUTs and Single Pass are two execution entry points.
Test UUTs executes more than one UUT, shows the serial number prompt,
and the green/red pass fail banner.  Single pass only executes one
UUT.  Both generate a report and log to the database and execute the
client sequence. You can make your own execution entry points for each
of the client sequences that you plan to execute.  Then you can make
changes in your process model to have each execution entry point call
a particular client sequence file.  In the actual operator interface,
you can add a TestStand visible button UI control for each execution
entry point and connect each button to one of the execution entry
points using the SequenceFileViewMgr.ConnectCommand method.  The
command would be "CommandKind_ExecutionEntryPoints_Set".  Note that an
example of this is included in the shipping examples already.

I hope that helps you.  If you are interested in learning more about
the TestStand API, the TestStand Help is a great resource about all
the methods and properties that are available.  The "Using LabVIEW
with TestStand" manual also describes how the LabVIEW operator
interface works.  The TestStand II course (see <a href =
""></a>) covers the TestStand
API and the Operator Interface in detail.  If you have already taken
the course, looking at Chapters 1 and 5 (for TestStand version 3.0)
would be a great review.

Hope that helps you!

Shannon R
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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