For some signal processing code (to be used in LV RT, but that should
not matter), I get some input data as single data from the AI buffered and have to deliver as single data to AO buffer In
between, I build arrays of the data, do matrix computations and have
to do also some complex computations.

As many of the linear algebra vis are not available for single types
(single or complex single), I have to use them for the double types.

Now, my question: Are there some general rules or recommendations on
how and where to make the type casts? For example,
a) is it more useful to do the type casts directly after/before I/O
operations to avoid additional casts or to do them more close to the
computations to save memory for intermediate data arrays?
b) Is it more useful to use a complex representation for real data in
order to avoid implicit type casts at mixed real/complex computation
vis or is it more useful to save the memory for the unnecessary
imaginary part?

Target processor will be a PIII with Labview RT 7 in this special case
and my problem is time critical, not so much memory limited.

Any hint is welcome!



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