> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Ammons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, 10 June 2004 3:58 p.m.
> To: 'Mihai Costache'
> Subject: RE: Replace array row in a loop
> By any chance, would it be faster if you swapped rows and 
> columns in your 2D array?  I always get confused which one is 
> a small block of memory and which one is spread out.


> Perhaps doing the replace as three individual values instead 
> of a row? You can resize the replace elements icon to include 
> three single values. This might eliminate some kind of memory 
> reallocation that may be occurring.


> Perhaps storing three arrays and replacing one value in each?

Simple test: initialise a shift register in a FOR loop with a 256,000
elements SGL array, replace one at a time the first 93,000 and check how
long it takes. Answer: long!

> You shouldn't need a column for the index, since this is 
> fixed.  It is just the integer value of the index / 512.


> Perhaps use a 3D array 500x512x3???


> I suspect some of these ideas are really bad, but it is 
> difficult to tell until they are tested.

I appreciate your ideas, unfortunatelly they are not able to overcome
LabVIEW's obvious inherent shortcomings.

> Bruce


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