
Did you uninstall MAX 3.0.1 and all of its sub components before

The reason that I ask is that NI-DAQ does not uninstall previous
versions before installation.  So if you install a new version over
top of an old version, then you will see unexpected behavior.

Whether or not this is the case, I think a full uninstallation and
reinstallation of NI software would be the fastest solution.  While
this may take some time, it is better then trying to troubleshoot the
issue piece by piece.

Here are the steps that should be followed.  Good luck!

Justin T.
National Instruments

1.=09Turn off the computer and physically remove or unplug all NI
hardware that you have installed on your system. This includes
anything that is PCI-, ISA-, USB-, 1394-, or ethernet-based.

2.=09Turn the computer on and go through Add/Remove Programs (START
=BB SETTINGS =BB CONTROL PANEL =BB Add/Remove Programs) and remove
everything NI-related. Generally, if you can remember, it is best to
uninstall things in the reverse order in which they were installed.
For example, if you installed LabVIEW, then NI-DAQ, and then the
Internet Developers Toolkit for LabVIEW, you should uninstall the
Internet Developers Toolkit first, then NI-DAQ, and then LabVIEW last.

3.=09After everything has been removed (do not be concerned at this
point if an item still shows up in the Add/Remove Programs list after
you have removed it), close all programs and restart your computer.

4.=09Go back into Add/Remove Programs. If anything that you removed
in step 2 is still listed, write down the entry in the list exactly as
it appears. These will be removed by manually editing the registry as
outlined below.

5.=09Go to START button of your operating system, choose RUN and
type "regedit". This will open the Registry Editor window. Go to the
Registry Menu and choose Export Registry File. Select "All" for the
export range, and select a file name. This creates a backup of the
Registry in case a mistake is made when deleting the keys.

6.=09Remove the following registry components from the Windows

=09HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\National Instruments  <-- Delete
=09the entire tree!
=09HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\National Instruments  <-- Delete
=09the entire tree!
=09HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\ or \ISA
=09and delete registry entries containing any keys with 1093 in them.

=09Do not worry if any of these trees are not listed. If you have
=09Administrative rights, and you still cannot delete these keys, that is
=09also OK.  Continue with the remainder of the process .

7.=09Close regedit.

8.=09Make sure that you do not have any of your own VIs or other
files saved in the "C:\VXIpnp", "C:\Program Files\National
Instruments", or "C:\WINDOWS\nidaq" folders. If you do, copy them to a
different location. If you are concerned about keeping old virtual
channels and your SCXI setup intact, then backup the
"C:\WINDOWS\niconfig.daq" file, too.

Delete all folders and files mentioned above!!!

=09Note: If you have Windows NT/2000, replace "C:\Windows" with
=09"C:\WINNT" in the paths listed above.

9.=09To be thorough, you can use Microsoft=92s Clean Up Utility.
Pasted below is a link to this utility and directions for use.


10.=09Reboot your computer.

11.=09You should be ready to install your software.  For the
cleanest possible install, first install all of your application
development software, such as LabVIEW, Measurement Studio, TestStand,
etc.  Reboot your PC when requested after each install.  Now install
your driver software and follow the associated user manuals.

12.=09Finally, shut down and re-install your hardware. When you boot
back up, it should be detected in MAX.

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