> I have an ATL project on the go which returns an array of strings to
> labview, which is working fine, with no problems, exept I cant 'probe'
> the returned VARIANT data for some reason, so me thinks its the wrong
> variant type!, but it works :)
> Is it a "variant containing a safearray of type BSTR" that labview is
> supposed to recieve ?
> If I setup a simple test vi with stringArray->toVariant->indicator, I
> can see the strings OK.

I think the thing confusing you is that the LV variant isn't exactly the 
same as the OLE variant.  The LV variant can be any LV type, or any OLE 
type including an OLE variant.  So, the variant probe in LV will often 
show you just a little bit about the type since it doesn't really know 
enough about how to display it.  If you can use the To G Data node to 
convert the variant to your type and then probe or display in 
indicators, then everything is working fine.  Without the extra typing 
information provided by the To G Data, LV just doesn't know enough to 
make a decent probe, at least not today.

Greg McKaskle

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