> Yes, it's much more simple than with the XY Graph, even if it's just a
> picture. For me, it's enough. But I've tried to change couple of
> things in the display without succes. I did not find the right
> properties to do those changes. First, it seems I can't resize the
> graph to have it take close to the entire screen. Second, I'd like to
> change and display the scales on the picture, if possible on the round
> lines instead of the horizontal ones on the first quadrant. I've tried
> to play with differents properties but I'm unable to fnd the right
> ones to do those 2 changes. Maybe you can help me once again. Thanks a
> lot, I appreciate.

The picture VIs take in a rectangle telling them where to draw and how 
large.  When you drop the Polar plot from the panel, it automatically 
drops a property node to read the picture rectangle and pass this in. 
This rectangle can also be used to put multiple plots in the same 
picture in any sort of grid you like.

Anyway, you can either change the rectangle yourself or tie it to the 
picture control rectangle.

As for displaying the scale differently, this will take a bit more work. 
    First opent he hierarchy window under Browse.  There are two VIs, PG 
angle labels.vi and PG scale.vi that draw the text labels on the polar 
plot.  It sounds like you want to mofidy the PG scale to move the labels 
to be drawn on the grid lines rather than on the extensions.  The key to 
making this easier to debug is to open up this subVI panel and then run 
your app.  This will leave the values the subVI is normally run with in 
the subVI controls.  Then make the picture in and out larger and start 
making modifications to the diagram.  Once you get to this point, the 
simple trig and graphics math is all that is needed.

Greg McKaskle

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