Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Len:

Have you heard anymore about that case?  They just don't seem to talk
about it much, and it really is very interesting, IMO.

There is a vampire case going on that is really good too, but I don't
get CTV either so I can only watch it in the papers.  Do you or anyone
else know anything about that one?

> Hi Doc
> No,  you're sure not the only one tired of all the talk about the BS going
> down in Washington.   I'm not familiar with the Aron case but it sounds
> like another manufactured defense.  They are becoming very popular.
> The only case I've been keeping my eyes open for news about is the Lisa
> Lambert appeals up in Penna.  Sue and me seem to be the only ones keeping
> up with that.  I don't get court TV and have been kinda busy lately.  It's
> diffcult to wade thru all the posts when most seem to be about the BS in DC.
> Len

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