Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DocCec wrote:

> Oh my yes!  I couldn't have functioned for a day without my secretary, and the
> school couldn't have opened on any given morning if the overnight cleaning
> staff hadn't done its job.  At the hospital where I spend time now (hate to
> say "work" because for some people that involves paid work) we are seeing the
> results of deep cutbacks in cleaning and maintenance staff.  It's not a pretty
> sight!
> Doc

Hi Doc

They cut back on cleaning and maintenance staff when I was a grad student.  Talk
about a mess!!  Of course, they used senority on which areas were cleaned the most
often.  Worse was that graduate students areas were cleaned once a week, including
emptying the trash.  Floors were washed once a month.  Now, who has more
trash--the research grad students or their major professors.  And who is at school
and moving around more--professors or grad students.  We had to do all the cleanup
in between.


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