Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Congress is considering a plan to reorganize the nation's oldest law
enforcement agency, the U.S. Marshals Service. 

The bill would end the 200-year-old practice of naming marshals by
presidential appointment. In testimony before the Senate Judiciary 
Committee today, law enforcement officials inside and outside the agency 
said appointees have included a number of retirement-aged or 
inexperienced people, which damages morale and makes other law 
enforcement agencies reluctant to work with the service. 

George Washington appointed the first 13 U.S. marshals. Wyatt Earp
and Wild Bill Hickok served as deputy marshals. Most recently, the 
service is celebrated in the blockbuster ``U.S. Marshals,'' starring 
Tommy Lee Jones. 

But the reality, witnesses said, is that while deputies today are  
trained professionals, their appointed supervisors, the 94 U.S. 
marshals, sometimes are not. 

Henry Hudson, former director of the service, said marshals should be  
career employees, promoted up through the ranks, as they would be under 
the Senate bill. 

During his tenure, from 1992 to 1993, he said he encountered appointees
who ignored his directives, who couldn't handle a firearm, who appealed
to their congressional sponsors when conflicts arose, who botched field
operations through inexperience, and who alienated other law enforcement

He said, ``The end result was the total exclusion of the U.S. Marshals
Service from joint coordinated law enforcement projects.'' 

Deputy Marshal Victor Oboyski said U.S. marshals are not required to  
meet age, fitness or experience requirements. Marshals have been 
appointed with backgrounds as florists, pig farmers, coroners, and 
children's television hosts. Nearly a third of U.S. marshals are retired 
law enforcement officers. Their only introduction to their new job is a 
40-hour orientation session. 

The Marshals Service protects judges and witnesses, guards prisoners,  
seizes assets and tracks fugitives. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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