Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Doc

Heaven--wine, philosophy and great discussions. I envy you.  The undergrad
philosophy I had was horrible--he was an ex-priest and was authoritarian about
it.  But in grad. school I took courses--not as impressive as yours--but loved
them all the same.  I had two profs. though that really made it interesting.
Hollinger was on my comittee and was a joy.  My prelim orals were almost a
shouting match between him and one of the soc. profs.  Great fun!!


DocCec wrote:

> DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In a message dated 98-03-28 21:29:57 EST, you write:
> << Ooh, Doc
>  A woman after my heart!!  Philosophy too?  Now I know why we have the same
>  Meyers-Briggs
>  jackief >>
> Philosophy was my undergraduate minor, jackief, and years later when I was
> offered the chance to do the summer fellowship at the Kennedy I was in
> ecstasy.  Tris Englehardt, the instructor, is a Texan and a libertarian so he
> taught the course pretty much from the Kant-Nozick point of view, but was
> always open to discussion from other perspectives.  He's also a wine
> connoisseur and provided wine for each afternoon session -- even bought the
> Chateau d'Yquem for the closing night's banquet.  Now that's my idea of a
> really good guy!
> Doc
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