Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Hi Dr. L.:
I think what we have here is a legal defination, and a medical
defination. The medical defination of a child is individual who
has not reached the age of puberty. An individual between the toddling
stage and adolescence. I don't know what the legal defination of a
child is.
We also have one law which says that the fetus is a child, and another
that says it isn't. Both in the same state, California.
And both laws can be used in a criminal trial.
> Hi Sue, your re-post of both the Ward (criminal) material, and the civil
> material, is very timely. Dr. Ron gave a distinction between
> fetus/neonate/infant/and child which seems very explanatory, but I don't
> see it as compatible with what appears as the very broad or loose
> language of the Civil code ("a child conceived, but not yet born"). What
> do you think?
> :) LDMF.
> ---------------------------Sue Hartigan wrote:------------------------
Two rules in life:
1. Don't tell people everything you know.
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