[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi sensei,

The idea that our government protects us from anything is laughable!
No doubt Uncle Sam wants us to be on our toes and keep the companies and
corporations for which we work happy.  Smoking pot might make our
intellect a bit hazy while on the job, and God knows the business of
America is business, as Teddy Roosevelt put it, and must not be
interfered with.

Why not admit there is some medicinal benefit from the use of marijuana
and give everyone a truer picture of theplant?  The fact that it is
helping people with physical problems ought to be part and parcel of its
presentation in the literature.  

You wrote:

<<<The whole concept of legalising Marijuana here in the states is
absurd!  The people who are "pro-cannabis" contend that Marijuana causes
no physical harm to the human body, and that the drug may also serve as
a"painkiller".  This argument was obviously thought up while they were

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