"Steve Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

><< HI Doc,
> Most of those shows are scripted and the roles played out by people to
> incite the audience and suck in the big TV viewers.  It's like pro
> wrestling.
> Bill >>
>That's a relief.  I know things are weird out there, but not that weird!

A few weeks back we had a Springer weekend on satellite TV and I must say it
is the funniest thing I have seen, I just couldn't believe the things on
there, check this out for one....
This guy comes on and says he wants to ask this woman to marry him on
national TV (cool I think, nice thing to do pretty romantic), so off goes
this bloke and Gerry says here's his future bride and she has a secret (?),
anyway on walks this huge thing (tall I mean) and in the gruffest voice you
can imagine she/it/whatever starts to say that she is really a transsexual
and she/he still has to have the operation. (keep reading it gets better)

So the bloke comes in and promptly gives his future bride a big smack on the
lips and they sit down holding hands, (buy now I'm dont know whether to
laugh cry or just switch over<lol>) so she/it turns to him and comes out
with the big secret.  I swear to got you can see the cogs go round in this
guys head and he just puts his head in his hands and says "shes a dude" over
& over.  Now most of you are probably saying that its a real shame and thats
terrible but I swear to god this thing was 6ft with a adams apple the size
of my head, not exactly the most womanly thing I have ever seen and the
designer stubble should have given him the hint.


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