DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-01 09:56:53 EST, you write:

<< Banning the guns is ineffective we already know that look at DC where
 your not allowed to own a gun, but look at their murder rate. When are
 people going to stop placing the blame on a object instead of facing the
 real problem the people who do these murders? That Bill is the problem I
 see, it's not the guns it's the people who get the guns and what they do
 with them. >>

One of the reasons the ban on guns here is ineffective is simply that the ban
is not enforced.  Walk around SE and the close in portions of NE any evening
and you'll see people carrying guns openly with no fear of arrest.  Don't
misunderstand -- not all those guns are used to kill, or are even ever fired.
But they are there, and the fact that they can be there without consequences
despite the law against them makes it easier for an angry impulse to become a
killing.  It would be interesting to see what would happen should a ban such
as ours really be enforced.

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