Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Doc

Thanks for the info.  I wanted to be sure of where the court now stands.  I was
talking about the decision on the case Sue posted and didn't make myself as clear
as I should.  I knew that some states permit it, but many do not because there is
such a debate on its reliability.



DocCec wrote:

> DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In a message dated 98-04-01 07:52:28 EST, you write:
> << Hi Sue
>  Thanks for ferreting out pertinent info. for all of us.  I am not sure I
>  read this right--my eyes might be biased <VBG>, but it seems the Supreme
>  court is not willing to accept the idea that the polygraph is admissible.
>  Am I correct in this??
>  jackief >>
> Per WashPost this am -- Supreme Court has ruled that states may (not must, but
> may) refuse to allow polygraph results as proof in court.
> Doc
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