Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

No Sue.. it's NOT a joke!  It happened to me.. twice!   I was freezing!


At 01:35 PM 4/1/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Kathy:
>This is another "urban legend".  Go to
>http://urbanlegends.miningco.com/mbody/htm and you can see a lot of
>these things that are on here.
>> Kaye..
>>     There was a show on this 48 hours I believe ( actually can't remember
>> which show ) and also this is the email I received concerning this....I
>> received this in Feb....
>> >This is a true, scary story!!!  Read and and pass it along if you know
>> >anyone
>> >who this could affect.
>> >
>> >
>> >This guy went out last Saturday night to a party. He was having a good
>> >time, had a couple of beers and some girl seemed to like him and invited
>> >him to go to another party. He quickly agreed. She took him to a party
>> >in some apartment and they continued to drink, and even got involved
>> >with some other drugs (unknown which). The next thing he knew, he woke
>> >up completely naked in a bathtub filled with ice. He was still feeling the
>> >effects of the drugs, but looked around to see he was alone. He looked
>> >at
>> >his chest, which had "CALL 911 OR YOU WILL DIE" written on it in lipstick.
>> >He
>> >saw a phone was on a stand next to the tub, so he picked it up and dialed.
>> >He
>> >explained to the EMS operator what the situation was and that he didn't
>> >know
>> >where he was, what he took, or why he was really calling. She advised him
>> >to
>> >get out of the tub. He did, and she asked him to look himself over in the
>> >mirror. He did, and appeared normal, so she told him to check his back. He
>> >did, only to find two 9 inch slits on his lower back. She told him to get
>> >back
>> >in the tub immediately, and they sent a rescue team over. Apparently,
>> >being examined, he found out more of what had happened. His kidneys were
>> >stolen. They are worth 10,000 dollars each on the black market. (I was
>> >unaware
>> >this even existed.) Several guesses are in order:
>> >The second party was a sham, the people involved had to be at least
>> >students, and it was not just recreational drugs he as given. Regardless,
>> >he
>> >is currently in the hospital on life support, awaiting a spare kidney. The
>> >University of Texas in conjunction with Baylor University Medical
Center is
>> >conducting tissue research to match the sophomore student with a donor. I
>> >wish
>> >to warn you about a new crime ring that is targeting business travelers.
>> >This
>> >ring is well organized, well funded, has very skilled personnel, and is
>> >currently in most major cities and recently very active in New Orleans.
>> >crime begins when a business traveler goes to a lounge for a drink at the
>> >end
>> >of the work day. A person in the bar walks up as they sit alone and offers
>> >to
>> >buy them a drink. The last thing the traveler remembers until they wake up
>> >in
>> >a hotel room bath tub, their body submerged to their neck in ice, is
>> >sipping
>> >that drink.There is a note  taped to the wall instructing them not to move
>> >and
>> >to call 911. A phone is on a small table next to the bathtub for them to
>> >call.
>> >The business traveler calls  911 who have become quite familiar with this
>> >crime. The business traveler is instructed by the 911 operator to very
>> >slowly
>> >and carefully reach behind them and feel if there is a tube protruding
>> >their lower back. The business traveler finds the tube and answers, "Yes."
>> >The
>> >911 operator tells them to remain still, having already sent paramedics to
>> >help. The operator knows that both of the business traveler's kidneys have
>> >been harvested. This is not a scam or out of a science fiction novel,
it is
>> >real. It is documented and
>> >confirmable. If you travel or someone close to you travels, please be
>> >careful. Sadly, this is very true. My husband is a Houston Firefighter/EMT
>> >and they have received alerts regarding this crime ring. It is to be
>> >taken very seriously. The daughter of a friend of a fellow firefighter
>> >had this happen to her. skilled doctor's are performing these
>> >crimes!(which,
>> >by
>> >the way have been highly noted in the Las Vegas area). Additionally, the
>> >military has received alerts regarding this. This story blew me away. I
>> >really
>> >want as many people to see this as possible, so please bounce this to
>> >whoever
>> >you can.
>> >Michele Shafer - DML/Lab Administration
>> >Medical Manager Research & Development
>> >15151 N.W. 99th Street
>> >Alachua, Florida 32615
>> >Tel. (904) 462-2148
>> >Fax (904) 462-1505
>> >Is this not one of the scariest things you have ever heard of?
>> >PLEASE forward this to everyone you know
>> >
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