Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Oh Terry'

The case of the college student with a tape recorder is not even parallel to
the material Judge Wright had to go by.  She didn't have a tape recording, so
could only go by allegations that were not supported in the documents submitted
to the court.  The courts are clogged enough without putting cases on the
docket that do not measure up to the standards of the court.



> They don't elect many Democrats around here.  One they did was a NY State
> Representative.
> A junior college student went to his office looking for a job.  The
> preliminary offers were not to her liking.  She did make a second trip and
> got a similar offer.  Unfortunately for our fine statesman the girl was
> wearing a recording device in her bra and Judge Wright, who has a wonderful
> tolerance for some things, lives in Arkansas
> People around here found that the request for sexual favors was outrageous,
> not just boorish, and our statesman lost his job among other things despite
> all the
> heartrending appearances with wife and kids.
> The Republicans then captured another NY State House of Representatives
> seat.  Unfortunately for the VRWC it did not last and a woman Democrat now
> represents the district.
> The air smells better around here.  We don't think that sexual attacks on
> women by employers are just naughty but not something really serious.
> Others have a different sense of smell.
> Best,     Terry
> "Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary
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