DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I thought Sue and maybe others might like this.  My daughter the nurse sent

<<Subj: From but true)
Date:   98-04-03 10:55:56 EST
To:     DocCec,

Reasons for "lack of patient care and efficiency..."

1.  "Patient care" is an oxymoron to most medical administrators.

2.  Most of nursing care becomes invisible once it is given (i.e.
     backrub, smile, holding the hand of the dying, listening to a
    grieving relative, etc. etc ).

3.  Since nursing care is invisible, it does not exist.

4.  Since it does not exist, nursing care must be documented.

5.  Since no time for documentation exists because the patients are
    so sick, and only tangible results get noticed, the documentation
    gets done while the patient care does not.  This in turn keeps
    QI off the nurses' backs, and the patients on their backs,
    because their nurses don't have time to turn them, because they
    are documenting why not turning the patient gave him a
    bedsore, so QI has something to show JCAHO.

6.  Nurses burn out because of 1,3 4 & 5,  but they never stop
     trying number 2.

     -   The opinion of a nurse who has been both the giver and
          receiver of nursing care for 18 years.  >>

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