Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie:

They were talking last night about how these kids would only spend x
number of years in custody, and then they would be released as well as
their records sealed.

Their faces have been on Newsweek, Time, etc.  There is absolutely no
secret of who they are.  The prior record of the one boy has been
discussed in detail on many of the news shows, and the parents and
grandparents are making the rounds of the morning talk shows.

I don't know how any of this was made public in the beginning, but
everyone from the grandfather on down are now discussing it quite openly
with anyone who will listen.  

> Hi Bill
> What a novel idea, work to get the law changed <VBG>.  I agree with you, but
> then working to change a law may not be as much fun as sitting and bad
> mouthing a judge that doesn't do what you consider to be right.
> Another topic:  Had to share this with you.  Didn't get a chance to post it
> early this morning.  It appears that we have a local controversy regarding
> whether the making public of preadjudication records of a juvenile are
> against the law.  The judge was on this morning discussing this because of
> the release of juvenile records to the local tv station that they traced to
> Mitchell, the 13 year old in Arkansas. I was sort of waiting for this to
> happen as this has been discussed among some of us since the story broke on
> tv.  Don't know if any other area has heard about this.
> jackief

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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