Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Boy Kathy

I couldn't agree with you more.  I wonder what the laws here in MN are?  It
is said I live in a progressive state, I wonder?


Kathy E wrote:

> Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> All I can say is it's about damn time!
> Incest survivors have urged California legislators to pass legal
> protections for children who are placed in their abusers' custody.
> The Incest Survivors Speakers Bureau of Yolo County held a statehouse
> news conference on the problem today and promoted legislation addressing
> it.
> Shari Karney, a victim's rights attorney whose own incest story was
> portrayed in an NBC TV movie, ``Shattered Trust,'' said she's been
> unable to save a single child from sexual abuse -- despite hundreds of
> calls from distraught mothers.
> Says Karney: ``The judge in case after case has sent the child back
> into the hands of the abuser.''
> Mothers told of courts awarding children to abusive fathers and other
> relatives despite evidence that they had sexually assaulted them.
> Shira Dee of Los Banos told UPI that authorities confirmed abuse
> against her 4- and 3-year-old daughters in 1993, but she lost them to
> her ex-husband a few years later after she refused to allow unsupervised
> visits -- despite a hospital's finding that they'd been raped.
> A bill introduced by Assemblyman Tom Torlakson, D-Antioch, would
> require perpetrators in court cases to prove a youngster would be safe
> in his care -- if there's evidence of child sexual abuse against him.
> Child advocates also are backing a proposal to have judges undergo
> training on the incest issue.
> --
> Kathy E
> "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
> isn't looking too good for you either"
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