Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

NEW YORK, April 4 (UPI) _ A poll finds 57 percent of Americans say
independent counsel
Kenneth Starr should end the investigation of President Clinton's
alleged affair with Monica

The Newsweek poll finds 55 percent say they would be satisfied with an
apology, or no action at
all, if there is strong evidence that Clinton lied about his
relationship with the former White House
intern. Forty percent say he should be removed from office. 

Thirty-seven percent of respondents say there has been a pattern of
improper sexual behavior by
Bill Clinton as president and governor of Arkansas, while 25 percent
believe there have only been a
few episodes, and 22 percent say there has been no improper sexual

Clinton's approval rating remains high, at 66 percent, with 51 percent
saying the charges against the
president have had little effect on them. Twenty-five percent think less
of Clinton as a person but not
as a president and leader. Twenty-two percent think less of him as
president and leader of the

Seventy percent say the charges have diminished the Clinton presidency
in history. 

The poll is based on telephone interviews with 755 adults conducted on
April 2 and 3. The sampling
error is plus or minus four percentage points. 
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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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