Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

MENTAL EXERCISE: Manchester (England) Metropolitan University sports
psychologist Dave Smith says his research shows that thinking about 
doing exercise helps build muscles, even if you never actually get 
around to actually doing the exercise. "The brain activity when you 
imagine doing something vividly, with all the feeling you would get if 
you did it, is very, very similar to what occurs when you actually do 
it," he said. (Reuters) ...To check the validity of this theory, 
vividly imagine yourself having sex.

CAN YOU DIG IT? Police in Nashville, Tenn., saw people leaving a house 
with boxes of marijuana. They searched the house and found 120 pounds 
of pot and $100,000 in cash. They also found an interesting piece of 
paper. "We came across a treasure map," a police spokesman said. "It 
told us where to dig" at another house the suspects owned. Using a 
backhoe, officers found $2.8 million in cash buried in plastic 
containers, plus another $1 million in a commercial storage locker. 
(AP) ...Better check their mattresses, too.

OVERDRAWN: The teller at Marine Midland Bank in Pearl River, N.Y., was 
confused over the note the man in line had handed her. The man, wearing
a plastic bag over his head, handed it over without saying a word. She 
scratched her head a bit, then asked another teller if she could read 
it. By the time they decoded the first part -- "I've got a gun" -- the 
man had run off. The rest of the note is "still open to conjecture," a 
police detective said. "It demands money and says he has a gun, but we 
have to spend some more time with it" to figure out the rest. (AP) 
..."Please hurry, I am suffocating in here."

BOO: A family in Upper Mayfield, England, has been given the go-ahead to
pursue a lawsuit against the people that sold them a 250-year-old house
because, they charge, the sellers failed to disclose the house is 
haunted. The family says they have tried five different exorcism 
rituals in the house, but they are still subject to being touched by
unseen spirits and a feeling of an "evil presence". (AFP) ...In the 
U.S., we call those insurance salesmen.

AHEAD OF HIS TIME: The U.S. Postal Inspection Service has arrested 
Lawrence Cusack Jr., of Fairfield, Conn., charging him with forgery. 
Cusack has sold about 700 pages of documents since 1993 supposedly 
signed in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert Kennedy,
or Marilyn Monroe. Cusack said he obtained the papers from his late 
father, who was Monroe's mother's lawyer. Authorities were tipped off 
because of the Zip Code printed on his father's stationery. The U.S. 
Postal Service didn't introduce Zip Codes until 1963. (UPI) ...Well, 
that and the Richard Nixon stamps on the envelopes.

WITH THIS SIGNATURE, I THEE WED: Jose Luis Ferreira, 31, and Eva Maria 
Alvedro, 24, of La Coruna, Spain, are marrying, but they're not yet 
sure if it's a lifetime commitment. They've signed a short-term 
marriage contract, with an option to renew. After two years, the couple
will reevaluate the pairing and will then decide whether to sign on for
a longer hitch. (AFP) ...The only amazing part is that the Americans 
didn't think of it first.

DAM IT! The International Joint Commission says a number of dams and 
dikes along the U.S./Canadian border are inadequate and could be 
hazardous. The study especially concerns the Commission's Canadian 
co-chair, Leonard Legault. "Many of these structures are getting older 
and we think that continuing vigilance and maintenance are absolutely 
essential," he said. (AP) ...We'd appreciate your pointing out exactly 
which ones are getting younger.

JUST LOOKING: Britain's Queen Elizabeth II is believed to have made 
history recently by making her first "official" visit to a pub, the 
Bridge Inn in Topsham. However, she declined a pint of ale that the 
innkeeper offered. A few days earlier, she had visited a supermarket 
for the first time. She stopped at a store in Oasis Lakeland Forest 
Village and chatted with the cashier and customers. However, the 
cashier notes, she did not buy anything. (AFP, 2) ...The shopowners 
association, noting the frequent visits without purchases, are advising
clerks that in the future, they should check the queen's pockets and 
handbag before letting her leave.

I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I? Researchers at Ohio State University find
that gossip has a "boomerang" effect: the things you tell people about 
someone are also attributed to you, they say. In other words, if you 
describe someone as rude and dishonest, people you talk to will also 
consider you rude and dishonest. "Politicians who allege corruption by 
their opponents may themselves be perceived as dishonest, critics who 
praise artists may be perceived as talented, and gossips who describe 
other's infidelities may be viewed as immoral," said OSU Prof. John 
Skowronski, who worked on the research. (UPI) ...Wow, those researchers
sure are intelligent and erudite!

ALL HANDS OFF DECK: "Hooters Off-Limits to Coast Guard" -- AP headline
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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