Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

1) Titanic Summarized

Scene 1 -

KATE WINSLET: Why, this is a fancy boat, isn't it?

KATE'S WEASELLY FIANCE: Yes it certainly is. Here is the art you asked
for. It is by an artist named "Picasso." I am certain he will amount
to nothing.

KATE: Ha ha ha. That is very funny to our 90's audience, because they
know these priceless paintings will sink with the boat.

LEONARDO DICAPRIO: Hello, I'm Leonardo DiCaprio. Perhaps you have seen
the many Internet sites dedicated to the worship of me. You are very

KATE: Thank you. So are you.

LEONARDO: I know. Prettier than you in fact. I am going to put on my
"brooding" face now, to ensure that women will keep coming back again
and again to see this movie. Later, my white shirt will be soaking

KATE: While you're doing that, I will concentrate on standing here and
looking pretty, to keep the men in the audience interested until the
boat sinks and people start dying.

WEASELLY FIANCE: Excuse me. I do not like you, Leonardo, even though
you saved my fiancee's life. I am going to sneer at you and treat you
like dirt because you're poor, and then I'll probably be physically
abusive to my fiancee, and then, just to make sure the audience really
hates me, and to make sure my character is entirely one-dimensional,
perhaps I'll throw an elderly person into the water.

AUDIENCE: Boo! We hate you! Even though all real people have at least
a few admirable qualities, we have not been shown any of yours, and
plus, you're trying to come between Leonardo and Kate, and so
therefore we hate you! Boo! (Even though technically it is Leonardo
who is coming between you and Kate. But Leonardo is handsomer than
you, even though he is only 13, so we are on his side. Boo!)

Scene 2 -

LEONARDO: I'm glad we snuck away like this so that you could cheat on
your fiance.

KATE: So am I. Even though I am engaged to him and have made a
commitment to marry him, that is no reason why you and I cannot climb
into the backseat of a car and steam up the windows together. The fact
that I am the heroine of the movie will no doubt help the cattle-like
audience forgive me of this, though they would probably be VERY angry
indeed if my fiance were to do the same thing to me.

AUDIENCE: Darn straight we would! Moo! We mean, Boo!

LEONARDO: I agree. First, I would like to draw you, though, so of
course you have to take off your clothes.

KATE:But can a movie with five minutes of continuous nudity be at all
successful in say, Provo, Utah, where the audiences might not stand
for that sort of thing?

LEONARDO: I would be willing to bet that for the first three weeks the
film is in release, every single showing at Wynnsong Theater in Provo
will sell out.

NARRATOR: According to Wynnsong manager Matt Palmer, that is exactly
what happened.

KATE: All right, then. (Sound of clothes hitting the floor.)

Scene 3 -

FIRST MATE: Captain, we're about to hit an iceberg.

CAPTAIN: Great, I could use some ice for my drink. (Sound of

ICEBERG: (Hits boat.)

FIRST MATE: That can't be good.

CAPTAIN: Bottoms up!

AUDIENCE: (Silence.)

FIRST MATE: That was irony, you fools.

AUDIENCE: Where's Leonardo?

Scene 4 -

LEONARDO: I have been informed that this boat is sinking.

KATE: That is terrible.

LEONARDO: Would you like to engage in some more immoral-but-justified

KATE: Certainly.

WEASELLY FIANCE: (Aside) I'm getting the raw end of the deal here! (to
Leonardo) Listen, Leonardo, to cement my morally dubious yet somehow
less annoying than you personality, I am going to handcuff you to this
pipe, here in a room that will soon be filling with water, due to the
fact that we are sinking, which I believe has been mentioned

LEONARDO: Why don't you just shoot me?

WEASELLY FIANCE: Because then you wouldn't be able to escape and save
Kate from me. Of course, you're going to die anyway...

AUDIENCE: Don't spoil it for us! Boo!

LEONARDO: He's right, though. I am doomed.

AUDIENCE: Aww, look how cute he is when he's doomed.

WEASELLY FIANCE: I hate you people.

Scene 5 -

150-YEAR-OLD-KATE: And that's when Leonardo rescued me from my evil
fiance and helped me float on a board in the water. Of course, if it
hadn't been for having to rescue him, I could have gotten on an actual
lifeboat, and not frozen my legs nearly off. Anyway, he's pretty much
dead now, and I'm well over a thousand years old, and who's making my
supper? I need a bath. Turn down that Enya music, it's making my ears
hurt. You kids today, with your loud music. Why, when I was - hey!
Don't you walk away from me! I'd turn you over my knee, if I had one. 
I'll beat you in the head with this huge diamond! Come back here!

(Fade to black. Roll credits and play annoyingly overplayed Celine
Dion song.)

"A slipping gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when you
least expect it.  That would make you quite unpopular in what's left
of your unit."
- In the August 1993 issue, page 9, of PS magazine, the Army's
magazine of preventive maintenance

"As your attorney, it is my duty to inform you that it is not
important that you understand what I'm doing or why you're paying me
so much money.  What's important is that you continue to do so."
- Hunter S. Thompson's Samoan Attorney

"Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing."
- Anonymous

"Life may have no meaning.  Or even worse, it may have a meaning of
which I disapprove."
- Ashleigh Brilliant

"Time's fun when you're having flies."
- Kermit the Frog

"Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?'
Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more thanone night.'"
- Charlie Brown, "Peanuts" [Charles Schulz]

"There's so much comedy on television. Does that cause comedy in the
- Dick Cavett, mocking the TV-violence debate

"Don't worry about temptation. As you grow older, it starts avoiding
- Farmer's Almanac
 Finding the Right Girl
When I was in junior high school, all I wanted was a girl with large

In high school, I dated a girl with large breasts, but there was no
passion. So I decided I needed a passionate girl.

In college, I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional.
Everything was an emergency, she cried all the time. So I decided I
needed a girl with some stability.

I found a very stable girl, but she was boring. She never got excited
about anything. So I decided I needed a girl with some excitement.

I found an exciting girl, but I couldn't keep up with her. She rushed
from one thing to another, never settling on anything. She was without
direction. So I decided to find a girl with some ambition.

After college, I found an ambitious girl and married her. She was so
ambitious, she divorced me and took everything I owned.

Now all I want is a girl with large breasts.
"The Baby's Point of View"

A baby was born who was so advanced, he could talk.  
He looked around the delivery room and saw the doctor.  

"Are you my doctor?" he asked. 
"Yes, I am," said the doctor.  
The baby said, "Thank you for taking such good care of me 
during birth." 

He looked at his mother and asked, 
"Are you my mother?"
"Yes, I am," she said. 
"Thank you for taking such good care of me before I was born," 
he said. 

He then looked at his father and asked, 
"Are you my father?"  

"Yes, I am," his father answered.  

The baby motioned him close, then poked him on the forehead 
with his index finger seven times saying, 
"I want you to know that THAT HURTS!"
"Talking Triplets"

There were three babies in a woman's stomach, and they were 
discussing what they would like to be when birthed and grown up.
The first one said "I wanna be a plumber."  
The others laughed at this, and asked "why a plumber?"  
He replied, "So I can fix the pipes in here, its kinda leaky."
The second one said "I wanna be an electrician."  
The others laughed at this, and asked "Why an electrician?"  
He replied, "So I can get some lights in here; its dark!"
The third one said "I wanna be a boxer."  
The others thought this was hilarious, and laughed for a full 5 
minutes, before asking, "Why in Heaven's name do you want 
to be a boxer?"  
He replied, "So I can beat the hell out of that bald guy who 
keeps coming in here, beating us up, and spitting on us!"
A Paronomastic's Dictionary

Allege: A high rock shelf

Arson: Our daughters brother

Author: A person who is usually write

Autobiography: A history of cars

Avowal: a, e, I, o, u, and sometimes y

Backward: Patient rooms at the rear of a hospital

Bassinet: What every fisherman wants

Belong: To take your time

Carpet: A dog who enjoys riding in a automobile

Coffee: Break Fluid

Comma: What a medium falls into

Complaint: A grief resume

Condescend: A prisoner escaping down the wall using a rope

Deduce: De lowest card in de deck

Denounce: Words that name things, not de verbs, de adjectives, etc.

Document: Repeating what your doctor told you in your own words

Dogma: A mother dog

Eclipse: What a gardener does to your hedge

Earthquake: A topographical error

Falsehood: Someone who pretends to be a gangster

Feast: An eat wave

Flattery: Phony express

Fission: What Huck Finn did when he played hookey

Gentle: (1) Reproductive Organ
    (2) Non-Jewish

Geometry: What the acorn said when it grew up

Grateful: What it takes to build a good fire

Handicap: A ready-to-use hat

Hanging: A suspended sentence

Hari-Kari: Transporting a wig

Hunger: What the posse did to the lady rustler

Hypochondriac: A guy who wont let well enough alone

Hypothesis: What a boy says to his father on the telephone

Indecision: Under the whether

Intense: Where campers sleep

Ketchup: What the runners behind in a race want to do

Kinship: Your brothers boat

Laundress: A gown worn while sitting on the grass

Legend: The edge of a cliff

Midget: Center engine of a three-engine fast plane

Minimum: A very small mother

Nitrate: Cheapest price for calling long distance

Observatory: What Washington asked his spies to do

Pandemonium: A housing development for pandas

Paradise: Ivory cubes used in craps and backgammon

Paradox: Two physicians

Paraffins: Found on the sides of fish

Paralyze: Two untruths

Praise: Letting off esteem

Protein: (1) An advocate of teen-agers rights
     (2) Lady of the street too young to vote

Rampage: Section of a book about male sheep

Sarcasm: Quip lash

Sherbet: A tip on a horse race or sporting event

Skier: A person who jumps to contusions

Sleet: A slipcover

Stirrup: What you do with cake batter

Subsidy: A town underneath another town

Tenure: A year after nineure

Thursday: How you feel crossing the desert on a hot day

Unabated: A fishhook without a worm

Valorous: A big animal vit tusks vot lives in vater

Vanguard: A person who protects trucks

Violinist: A high-strung musician

Warehouse: What you ask when youre lost

Washable: What a cowboy does very carefully

Wholesale: Where a gopher goes to buy a home
Overheard today at work:

"I see Microsoft as the Conan of the industry."

        "How do you figure?"

"You remember - Conan, what is best in life?  To crush your enemies,
 see dem driven before you, and to hear da lamentations of der

        "I thought it was lamentations of their women?"

"What could Microsoft do to a woman to make her lament? 
 on the other hand...scary stuff, man.  Frightening."

A very modest lady applied for a job at the factory where they made
me Elmo dolls".  It was Friday and almost quitting time and hurriedly
boss told her to report for work on Monday.  He quickly explained to her
she would be stationed on the assembly line just before the dolls were
packed into boxes.

On Monday they started up the line and within twenty minutes had to shut
down because one worker couldn't keep up.  The boss went down the line
find the problem.  The new employee was very busy trying to do her part
she had a bunch of dolls waiting for her.  Closer examination showed she
was sewing  little cloth bags containing two walnuts in the appropriate
place on the dolls.

The boss could not control his laughter and said, "Lady, I said to give
each doll Two----Test----Tickles."

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