DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-03-12 05:53:31 EST, you write:

<< The learning stuff I pulled from the net really picked up on the aural
 aspect of the NF personality.  I should go back in and get the other three
 temperaments so I can compare them easily.  The majority of my students last
 in Psych were ESTJ's and were majoring in nursing or criminal justice.  They
 tended to rank individual experience and visual aids as the most effective in
 learning new material.  They really thought  'participant observation'
 assignments helped them most in learning.  Hmm, I wonder.  I wonder if this
has a
 bearing on the problems in education to some degree.
 jackief >>

Oh I'm sure it does.  You have to teach your students in the way they learn,
whether or not that is your own "favorite" way.  That does become difficult
when you are dealing with an aural learner and trying to teach a visual
subject like Pathology.  Our Path faculty were really flummoxed until I
suggested having the student "talk" him/herself through the slides.  It's not
perfect, but it helps.  I know that if I want to remember something I see or
read I have to hear myself say it (even silently).

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