Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

California has the strongest gun laws in the whole country, and we still
have one of the highest gun related crime rates.   :(  I don't know what
can be done to stop it.

But I do know that there has to be some sort of responsibility on the
part of gun owners.  Since Ca enacted the law that if someone is shot or
killed with a gun that is in the hands of a minor, the owner can be held
liable, the rate of children being hurt or killed has gone down a lot.

So maybe we are on the right track.  I hope so anyway.

> HI Sue,
> The original meaning in the Bill of Rights was so that the states could
> have their own militia, but your interpretation is correct.  Since the
> revolution was directed against the tyranny of a big government there was
> a strong fear against any big government telling the individual states
> what to do.  And, of course, slavery was a big issue.  You're right,
> today it is meaningless with respect to private citizens taking up arms
> to oppose or defend against the US government, in spite of what the
> militia groups say.
> I don't think it would be feasible or possible to ban all private gun
> ownership, nor do I think it would eliminate crime.  But I DO think we
> have a serious gun problem in this country and that there ARE things that
> can and need to be done.
> Bill

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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