Hi Vi,

Actually the appeals courts reversing the judge's conviction because he
couldn't know that what he was doing was illegal was overturned by the
Supreme Court sending him back to prison as a bit too inventive.  The judge
is back in prison after fleeing to Mexico.

The prosecution was based on a novel civil rights interpretation to put him
in federal court.  There was no chance of convicting him in a local court as
should be obvious from the appeals court's weird decision.

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
>Hi Kathy,
>This case is a travesty of justice, enough to make strong men weep.
>One of  this creep's favorite MOs was to suddenly position himself in
>front of a female sitting  facing his desk in chambers.  He would unzip
>his pants and before she could withdraw or stand up with the intention of
>getting away from him, he would force her face into his crotch.  He was
>no respecter of persons or decorum and would assault female  perfect
>Surely the legislature will act to restore the sentence and put him in
>prison where he belongs for the rest of his rotten life.
>You wrote:
> sexual abuse is an infringement of "bodily
>          integrity" -- and it will no longer be relegated to the
>          backrooms and good old boys at the state levels nor
>          allowed to be swept under the statehouse rugs simply to
>          protect a few men who do not understand or have
>          forgotten that wearing a black robe or a uniform is not
>          a license for abuse.
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Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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