[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Ron,

Their dilemma is that supporting Paula Jones and standing up for women in
the work place are two totally different issues.  There are women who are
REALLY abused in the work place and the Paula Jones of the world simply
make it that much more difficult for the real victims.


On Mon, 20 Apr 1998 08:38:18 -0700 "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>"Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>It is about time that NOW comes out of the closet and stands up for 
>women in
>the workplace.   Ron
>WASHINGTON (April 20, 1998 10:25 a.m. EDT http://www.nando.net) -- The
>National Organization for Women is considering whether to file a
>friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of Paula Jones in her lawsuit
>against President Clinton.
>Patricia Ireland, head of NOW, said Monday the organization is in the
>process of consulting with its 500 chapters across the country to
>determine whether filing the brief would help the greater cause of 
>in the workplace.
>"What we are talking about is the strategy of having women-friendly
>workplaces and schools, not just for Paula Jones in this case, but for
>all women in the workplace or in school," she said on ABC's "Good
>Morning America. " "So we're looking, for instance, at whether this is
>the right case."
>Attorneys for Jones said Sunday they are seeking support from national
>women's groups for her case in which she alleges that Clinton exposed
>himself to her in a hotel room in 1991 when he was governor of 
>and she was a state employee.
>A federal judge dismissed the suit April 1. Jones plans to appeal.
>Feminist groups largely have been silent on the matter. Ireland said
>Monday that initial attempts to offer their support were rejected by
>"In this case, Paula Jones chose her forum, which was federal district
>court, and she also chose her friends," Ireland said. "She rebuffed 
>efforts to help her and went with the right wing."
>Ireland denied that her group was siding with the Clinton 
>by not speaking out in support of Jones earlier, saying that she has
>never shied away from taking on the White House. Instead, she said, 
>organization's main consideration is whether the case will further the
>interests of women nationwide.
>"In this highly charged, political and partisan case, we may not see
>this ... as the best way to improve the lot of women in the 
>Ireland said. "We don't want bad law made, and I certainly don't trust
>the right-wingers who are judging the strategy on this case."
> 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
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