Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

10-Year-Old Jailed for Kicking Mom

>           MIAMI (AP) -- A 10-year-old boy was arrested,
>           handcuffed and jailed overnight after a waitress
>           allegedly saw him kick his mother during a spat at a
>           restaurant. The police say the way the law is written,
>           they had no choice.
>           ``To be arrested for something like that? It was
>           ridiculous,'' said Andrew Perkins' mother, Arlene
>           Martin. ``I couldn't believe it was happening. When
>           they put the handcuffs on him, I was completely
>           shocked.
>           ``He just sort of brushed my leg. It was nothing.''
>           Domestic violence law required the round-faced
>           fourth-grader to be arrested before the violence
>           escalated, police said, and the officers would have
>           been penalized had they not done it.
>           ``They would have been investigated through our
>           Internal Affairs Unit,'' Miami-Dade police Detective Ed
>           Munn said today. ``And they could be given departmental
>           sanctions, as well as civil liabilities -- they could
>           have been sued for not taking action.''
>           The boy was charged with simple domestic battery, a
>           misdemeanor. Another hearing is set for Wednesday.
>           Police were called to the scene Thursday after a
>           waitress saw the family arguing, then saw the boy kick
>           his mother. The boy struggled as his stepfather, Joe
>           Martin, pulled him outside the restaurant.
>           Police then hauled the boy away in a squad car.
>           The judge and juvenile officials criticized rules that
>           allowed for the arrest.
>           ``The tragedy seems to be that we've reached the point
>           in the juvenile justice system where policies and fear
>           of political repercussions completely obliterate common
>           sense,'' Circuit Judge Tom Petersen said during a
>           hearing Monday.
>           Andrew has already missed two days of school because of
>           the case, and his parents say they'll take him for
>           counseling this week.
>           ``He won't leave my sight now,'' his mother said. ``His
>           body jerks when he sleeps. He keeps remembering a guard
>           at the center who apparently frightened him a lot.''

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