Richard Soderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-20 12:08:47 EDT, you write:

<< Not really faith, Doc, just a reality.  It is hard to prove a negative.
 Prove that God does not exist.  Prove that Jackie's magnetic fields do not
 cause cancer.  Prove that OJ did not kill two innocent people.  Get what I
 mean?  Prove that Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction.  I say prove
 that he does, and so far the UN inspectors and our doomsayer President have
 offered no proof that he does and can not justify spending millions of our
 taxpayer dollars to maintain a force in the Gulf.  Ron

It's not hard to prove a negative, Ron -- it's practically impossible.  So on
that score I agree with you.  I'm just not ready to accept that lack of proof
as, in itself, proof that the opposite is not true.  I'd rather spend money in
needless safety initiatives than I would do the opposite.

Sody Sez:

Saddam sez he disposed of the weapons.  A positive statement. We say " did
not" a negative statement.  Round and around we go..

I once did a study for a paper on biological warfare ( in school  Not
publication).  Any country which has a small brewery can produce the needed
bugs and with a couple of fairly competent scientist can produce a wide
verity and some that no one ever heard of. The lethal bugs can be delivered
by bomb, rocket, or hand carried in a suitcase, or even get a volunteer to
be inoculated with the bug a visit the country chosen as the enemy.
My question for doc or anyone else.  Why are we only interested in poor old
Saddem. The world is full of nuts  Libya, Sudan, Vietnam,  Russia, China,
Pakistan, India, and don't forget the U.S.A.  Any of these counties and
probably a hundred more are a threat.  If you want to see what biological
war looks like. Look up the "Black Death plagues which swept Europe.  I
believe they started in china and were brought to Europe by traders.  This
stuff is extremely dangerous and we should be spending money on defence not
dumping it on Saddem

The dirty old Gandy Dancer

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