Hi Sue,

Susan McDougal has gone through grotesquely barbaric conditions and
suffering imposed by Kenneth Starr to force her testimony before a grand
jury.  In prison she wore the uniform of snitches and child killers.  She
stayed in isolation.  She says she cannot testify because if she tells the
truth she will then be charged with perjury.  This is ludicrous.  If she was
somehow convicted of perjury for telling the truth, her punishment would be
nowhere as great as the punishment she has suffered for contempt of court
already.  And she is willing to accept more.

Obviously there are some considerations that she is not telling us about.

Susan is taking the fall for Clinton.  What is not fully clear is why.

>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Terry:
>I know you know a whole lot more about this woman, and what happened to
>her, than I do...but I believed her when I heard her on Nightline.  (the
>only time I ever saw her talk)  I think she has been set up by some
>pretty important, smart people, and been made the fall guy.  
>> Hi Sue,
>> Think they will ever track down all 100 million of us secret conspirators?
>Two rules in life:
>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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