Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue

This wonderful cost-benefit solution doesn't seem to work so well.  This
article appears to support the contention of some that there are some
areas that for-profit organizations will cause more problems than they
solve in the short-term.  The issues of possible abuse have been raised
since this solution was first proposed, but saving a buck (or so it
appeared) became the criteria for deciding the private prision was the
way to go.  Of course, they are only inmates, so that's ok <TIC>


Sue Hartigan wrote:

> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Colo. Closes Youth Prison
> >
> >
> >           Barbara McDonnell, head of the Department of Human
> >           Services, said High Plains' staff was unqualified and
> >           insufficient for the number of inmates. The center also
> >           admitted youths with special mental and emotional
> >           health needs ``when it was neither licensed nor
> >           qualified to serve them,'' she said.
> >
> >            Some state lawmakers question whether the state has
> >           gone too far in relying on private prisons.
> >
> >           ``My concern has always been whether we can retain
> >           control to protect inmates and the public. I don't want
> >           to become so dependent on private facilities we lose
> >           control,'' said Sen. Dottie Wham, R-Denver.
> --
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