Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Susan McDougal To Face Grand Jury

>           LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- Federal marshals plucked
>           Susan McDougal from a Los Angeles prison this morning
>           for a trip to Little Rock and an appearance before the
>           same special grand jury she previously thumbed her nose
>           at.
>           Mrs. McDougal, who served 18 months in prison on a
>           contempt citation rather than talk to the Whitewater
>           grand jury in September 1996, is due to meet the panel
>           again Thursday. Her lawyer says he'll fight the
>           appearance and she won't cooperate if forced to appear.
>           The lawyer, Mark Geragos, claims Whitewater prosecutor
>           Kenneth W. Starr has no right to put Mrs. McDougal, a
>           former business partner of President Clinton, before
>           the panel because of questions about Starr's links to
>           right-wing groups with axes to grind against the
>           president.
>           If the court turns aside Geragos' effort and Mrs.
>           McDougal indeed refuses to testify, she could be
>           prosecuted for criminal contempt. She had already
>           served 1 1/2 years for civil contempt.
>           At her Sept. 4, 1996, appearance before the panel, Mrs.
>           McDougal refused to answer when asked whether Clinton
>           knew about a fraudulent $300,000 loan she had received
>           and whether the president testified truthfully at her
>           trial.
>           The government offered her immunity from prosecution,
>           as long as she told the truth. Later, Starr said that
>           by asking for full immunity -- even from perjury --
>           Mrs. McDougal wanted a ``license to lie.'' She counters
>           that Starr isn't interested in the truth, only in
>           getting Clinton.
>           The president, Mrs. McDougal and their spouses were
>           partners in the Whitewater land development that Starr
>           initially was assigned to investigate four years ago.
>           Mrs. McDougal was convicted of fraud at a Whitewater
>           trial two years ago.
>           At a morning news conference, Geragos said federal
>           marshals picked up Mrs. McDougal in Los Angeles early
>           this morning and she would arrive in Little Rock at
>           midafternoon.
>           Geragos also said he was stepping up a drive for
>           donations for Mrs. McDougal's legal defense fund --
>           gearing it toward attacks on Starr's credibility,
>           including an investigation of the special prosecutor.
>           Tuesday, former Gov. Jim Guy Tucker spent an afternoon
>           with the grand jury and said the appearance, his
>           second, would likely be the last.
>           Tucker spent more than three hours under questioning
>           Tuesday about a matters he characterized as ranging
>           widely across ``history and things which may seem
>           important to some people, (but) don't seem important to
>           me.''
>           The panel is looking into the activities of Hillary
>           Rodham Clinton; former Justice Department figure Webb
>           Hubbell, her former Rose Law Firm partner; and
>           Hubbell's father-in-law, prominent Little Rock
>           businessman Seth Ward.
>           The probe has to do with five adjoining parcels of
>           property in Little Rock controlled by James McDougal,
>           according to recent grand jury witnesses and lawyers
>           familiar with the investigation.
>           McDougal ran the failed Madison Guaranty Savings and
>           Loan that is at the center of the Whitewater
>           investigation. He was convicted in the same trial that
>           ended in convictions for Tucker and Mrs. McDougal, his
>           ex-wife. McDougal died in prison last month, after
>           cooperation with prosecutors win him a reduced term.
>           After completing her 18-month term for contempt, Mrs.
>           McDougal began a two-year prison term for her
>           Whitewater crimes. She is being held in California,
>           where she was awaiting trial on unrelated charges that
>           she embezzled $150,000 while working for conductor
>           Zubin Mehta and his wife.

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