Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

NOW Won't Support Jones Appeal
>           WASHINGTON (AP) -- Declaring its national board and
>           local chapters overwhelmingly against it, the National
>           Organization for Women said today it will not file
>           legal papers on behalf of Paula Jones in her sexual
>           harassment lawsuit against President Clinton.
>           NOW President Patricia Ireland told a news conference
>           the women's group believes such a ``highly charged
>           political'' lawsuit should not be used as a test case
>           for stopping sexual harassment in the workplace.
>           Ms. Ireland also said her group ``decided not to work
>           with the disreputable right-wing organizations and
>           individuals advancing her cause, who themselves have a
>           long-standing political interest in undermining our
>           movement to strengthen women's rights and weakening the
>           laws that protect those rights.''
>           NOW did not poll its membership, Ms. Ireland said, but
>           it was clear from contacts with about 500 chapters
>           around the country that the local groups opposed filing
>           a friend-of-the-court brief, by margins of at least
>           8-to-1 and possibly 10-to-1.
>           ``Hard cases make bad law,'' Ms. Ireland said. The
>           conservative Rutherford Institute, which is financing
>           legal expenses for Mrs. Jones, and her spokeswoman
>           Susan Carpenter McMillan ``are using this case to
>           advance their own political agendas,'' she said.
>           Decrying the political positions of the institute, Mrs.
>           Carpenter McMillan and other ``women's rights
>           opponents,'' Ms. Ireland said: ``Paula Jones has
>           surrounded herself with a phalanx of politically
>           motivated lawyers.''

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