Steve Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>The fastest
>>time someone could travel from there to here is no time at all.
>Do you propose to know something about the gravitational fields acting on
>those light waves 220 light years away?

Gravitational fields effect the path of light no matter how far away they
are, its just that the farther away your point of origin the stronger the
distortion effect would appear to be.

Eventually that light has to travel
>billions of miles, whether it is bent occasionally or not.  Very poor
>analogy with the piece of paper.  Ron

Yes you right that analogy does suck, but I cannot think if a better one,
(especially that you can put in a email)
unless you read a Brief History Of Time, like I did a while back and
understand it all, I always
get lost on page 17 (I think it was that), do you know any better ones?

We generally chat about stuff like this or ufology over coffee at college
and a
new way to show it would be fantastic. (saves us from talking about
microprocessors or business law<lol>).


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