Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Cosby 'Daughter' To Head to Prison

>           DUBLIN, Calif. (AP) -- Autumn Jackson, the woman
>           convicted of trying to extort $40 million from comedian
>           Bill Cosby by claiming to be his daughter, was
>           scheduled to report to prison today to begin serving a
>           26-month sentence, her attorney said.
>           Ms. Jackson, who is six months pregnant with twin boys,
>           will surrender to authorities at the Federal
>           Correctional Institution in Dublin, where she will
>           remain for 30 days before moving to a prison maternity
>           program in San Francisco, about 30 miles to the west,
>           said her New York attorney, Robert Baum.
>           After the twins are born, in late July, she will return
>           to Dublin to complete her sentence.
>           ``She's disappointed she has to surrender while she's
>           pregnant,'' Baum said. ``She was hoping to avoid the
>           stigma of having her children born in prison. She now
>           realizes that can't be avoided.''
>           Ms. Jackson was sentenced in December after testimony
>           showed she faxed a demand for the money on Jan. 16,
>           1997, the same day Cosby's son, Ennis, was shot to
>           death alongside a Los Angeles freeway.
>           The demand threatened to tell tabloid newspapers that
>           she was Cosby's out-of-wedlock child. Cosby admitted he
>           had had a sexual relationship with Ms. Jackson's mother
>           but denied Ms. Jackson was his daughter.
>           Ms. Jackson's husband, Antonay Williams, was a
>           co-conspirator in the extortion plot. He was placed on
>           probation. Jose Medina, 54, was sentenced to more than
>           five years in prison as an accomplice in the case.

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