Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Kathy E wrote:

> Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> A psychotherapist being sued for $10 million for allegedly causing a
> Katy woman to believe she had helped kill more than 100 babies practiced
> in the "lunatic fringe of psychotherapy," the woman's attorney told
> jurors Tuesday.
> She said she came to the Houston area in 1987 because her husband was
> offered his present job. She completed a doctorate in school psychology
> from New York University in 1986. She said she may have been a licensed
> psychotherapist for one day before she first saw Jones.
> --
> Kathy E

Hi Kathy

Just a couple of questions maybe someone can answer on this.  I thought
psychologists could not use drugs in their treatment of someone.  Isn't that
the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist??  Second, she has a
doctorate in school psychology, not clinical psychology--wouldn't that make
a difference in her ability to treat this woman??

And, how many personalities??  Whoa, I think the defendant belongs in
Ripley's book.


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