[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Sue,

LOL.....Damage Contol, damage control....GOP to Mr. Bush, GOP to Mr.
Bush....you MUST write another letter...you MUST write another letter....


On Thu, 23 Apr 1998 15:44:20 -0700 Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>April 23 — ABCNEWS has learned that former
>               President Bush had written not one but two letters
>               about Independent Counsel Ken Starr’s
>               investigation of President Clinton. In the first 
>               revealed earlier this week, he said that members of
>               the Secret Service detail assigned to the president
>               should not be compelled to testify before Starr’s
>               grand jury. Today we learn of another letter to
>               Secret Service Director Lewis C. Merletti in which
>               Bush defends Starr. He writes, “I am furious about
>               the mindless attacks on him.” 
>               Dear Lew:
>               Attached is the letter that I told you I
>               wanted to write when I initiated that
>               phone call to you about your agents being
>               compelled to testify.
>               I write this as one who has tried to stay
>               out of the news regarding the charges and
>               counter charges there in Washington.
>               I write this as one who holds Ken Starr
>               in high regard and, quite frankly, as one
>               who feels that the orchestrated attacks
>               on him are vicious and outrageous.
>               If Ken is personally pushing to have the
>               agents testify, please feel free to show
>               him this letter for I want him to know
>               the following:
>                    1. That I initiated this letter
>               idea.
>                    2. That I am furious about the
>               mindless attacks on him.
>                    3. That he has my respect and
>               admiration.
>                    4. That I hope he will not compel
>               the agents to come forward. 
>                    5. I am most anxious to keep out of
>               all this mess, but I would be glad to
>               talk personally to Ken should he so
>               desire.
>               Sincerely, 
>                    George Bush
>               (Signature)
>               P.S. I would be happy for you to show
>               this personal letter to Ken Starr should
>               you choose to do this. 
>Two rules in life:
>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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