Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top aide to President Clinton got "a number of
reports" that Monica
Lewinsky was behaving improperly around Clinton when she was a junior
White House aide, a
former White House official said Friday. 

The former official, who asked not to be identified, said these reports,
and deputy White House
chief of staff Evelyn Lieberman's own observations, led Lieberman to
arrange for Lewinsky's
transfer to the Pentagon in the spring of 1996. 

"It was a number of reports and her own evidence and talking to people
that led her to ask to have
Lewinsky transferred," the source said. 

Lieberman, now director of the Voice of America, believed that Lewinsky
was "hanging around and
trying to get near the president," but had no knowledge of any sexual
contact between Clinton and
the former intern, the former official said. 

Independent counsel Kenneth Starr continues to investigate allegations
that Clinton had sex with
Lewinsky and conspired to cover it up, lying and obstructing justice in
the now-dismissed Paula
Jones sexual harassment lawsuit. 

Clinton and Lewinsky deny the allegations. 

The New York Times reported Friday that Gary Byrne, a uniformed member
of the Secret Service
assigned to the White House, told Lieberman that he had seen Lewinsky in
the West Wing of the
White House -- where the Oval Office is located -- when he did not
believe the woman was
authorized to be there. 

The officer also expressed concern about Lewinsky's after-hours access
to the area, the newspaper

"She (Lieberman) talked to Gary Byrne, but she doesn't have any
recollection of him telling her
about Monica Lewinsky. It's possible," a Lieberman aide told Reuters. 

In another development, the head of the conservative legal foundation
financing Jones' effort to sue
Clinton denied a Fox television news report that Jones and her husband
were so angry with him they
had tried to find alternate financing. 

The report quoted an unidentified source as saying Jones' husband had
said Rutherford Institute
president John Whitehead cared more about his own publicity than helping
his client. 

"This is the most absolutely irresponsible journalism I've seen. To run
with a story like this which is
just fabrication is crazy," Whitehead told Reuters. 

Meantime, a former Miss America who said last month she had a consensual
one-night fling with
Clinton 15 years ago when he was Arkansas governor complained Friday
that she has been
hounded by investigators and the media. 

Elizabeth Ward Gracen, star of the syndicated television drama
"Highlander," fled to Europe at one
point to avoid being subpoenaed by Starr's office. 

"People were like a couple of steps behind me for quite awhile. My
parents, their house is still
staked out. My boyfriend's house, there are reporters and investigators
staking that out," Ward said
in a "Dateline NBC" interview. 

Gracen denied there was any connection between her 1992 denial of having
had an affair with
Clinton and acting jobs that came her way almost immediately afterward. 
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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