Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Kathy:

It was announced on our local CBS station, but I can't find any written
announcement of it at all on the web.  When they talked about it last
night I listened very carefully, and the judge released him from
probation, and expunged his record.

It was a California judge, had to be, since this is where he was
sentenced.  The law in California gives the judge the authority todo

You have just seen an example of California justice at work.  All
felonys and misdemeanors are handled this way in California.  A felon
only serves 1/2 of his actual sentence, and misdemeanors 1/4.  When they
released the kid who killed my dog from jail I called and raised hell. 
Out of 90 days he only served 1/2 of that, or 45 days.  That was when I
was told that this is the way California law works.  :(

Records can be expunged if the person is a first time offender, and
adheres to the rules of his probation w/o any rules broken at all.

In this case I am glad they did this.  Furhman didn't deserve to be made
scape goat for the Simpson trial, IMO.  

We have a new law coming up now for a vote:

#222.. will make Criminals convicted of 1st degree murder w/o special
circumstances serve at least 25 yrs in prison with no possibility of
early parole.

2nd degree murder during a drive by serve at least 20 yrs with no
possibility of early parole.

2nd degree murder serve at least 15 yrs without possibility of early

Murders of a police officers will have to serve all of their sentences
w/o possibility of parole, period.

It's about time, IMO.

> By what authority did this judge have the right/power to expunge MF's
> record and discontinue his probation? MF pled guilty to a felony I am
> truly interested on how this judge threw out that plea and his
> reasoning. Was this a CA judge or a Idaho judge? Is there any more
> information on this?

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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