DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-29 16:18:10 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< If you engage in both puts and calls you might as well save your time. 
 You are going to break even. :)  Do you mean you choose not to form an
 opinion or choose not to express it.  I don't have the will power to
 resist doing either. <G>

OK, ok, puts and calls was just an expression.  I'm too chicken to mess with
futures, believe me.
Mostly I just don't bother to form an opinion when I don't see any way to form
one that has a better chance of being correct than does its opposite.  I don't
really need to have an opinion on everything.  
Sometimes I "have a hunch" -- not really an opinion, if that means something
based on some kind or reason and/or fact, but just an intuitive jump.  Whether
I express that, or any other opinion, rather depends on the milieu.  If it's
just a case of exchanging hunches and if everyone understands that, fine.  But
if it's an argument, then I usually don't bother.  I'll argue if I have a
position I consider well thought out, but not otherwise.

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