DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

And then doesn't always get it, Sue.  I went through that.  My ex simply
refused to pay, and since he was out of state I had to go to court and get
judgments, which he blithely ignored, then get his wages garnisheed, after
which he just changed jobs and the whole thing had to start again.  Of course
each court date meant I lost a day's pay, so it soon became not worth the

<< Hi Bill:
 And unfortunately some of the time the woman has to force child support.
 > HI Sue,
 > Oh, I agree that in most cases the woman's life style suffers after a
 > divorce, especially when small children are involved.  Simply because in
 > most cases the earning power of the woman is less than the man's.  Child
 > support and/or alimony rarely makes up the difference.
 > Bill >>

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